MALEK Theatre

Marquee Phase

90% Completed  |  $20,000 Estimated Completion Cost

After the heartbreaking destruction of the marquee during a devastating storm, Signs & More of Independence was hired to put the fallen pieces back where they belonged. Adding modern LED lighting with Lexan panels, the marquee was lit up once again after 20 years, now brighter than ever with a brilliant glow through the red Wagner-style letters.

With the volunteer help of Kevin Niles and Tony Fitz, the marquee was painted and striped with the original red and white colors. A special thanks to Mike Kout, owner of Kout Construction, for donating the use of his scissor lift to complete the painting.

All that this left of the marquee phase is to adorn it with the missing neon-style lighting to give it that "finishing touch." This lighting has an estimated cost of $20,000.